Networking is intentional process of exchanging information, assets, mutual support, and leads conducted with use of mutually benefitial contacts.
Basic networking concepts:
The act of needs satisfying is beyond you with you as 'object' not 'subject'.
You are a good (worth recommendation) accountant {this is how you are perceived, this is what you taught your network}.
A friend of your friend has a problem with taxes. Your friend recommends him you as a solution to his problems.
The friend of your friend was in trouble. He is getting help and he feels gratitude. You just got a job :-)
stop surfing start making waves
brodcasting 'effective content'
who you are
what are you doing
Trust can be taught
Trust , predictibility and consistency as a basis for relationship
['buy ticket' case]
Future has unlimited posibilities of paths, which are narrowed by our environment (contacts, possibilities). Environment we create.
prezentacja_networking_EN.vym | 2007-05-17 | vym 1.7.0 |